DMV Retest

We all get older and as we do, our bodies and minds change in ways that can directly impact our reaction time, awareness, and vision while we drive. For this reason, Pacific Driver Education offers DMV Retesting to help older adults with their driver's license renewal process.

Why retest senior adults?

The primary reasons for retesting seniors upon request for license renewal include:

  • Safety. Drivers with physical or cognitive impairments that impede their ability to drive safely put everyone on the road in jeopardy. The safety of the public is the strongest argument for retesting elderly drivers. Liability is also an issue. If an injured person can prove that the DMV's failure to test a senior's fitness to drive caused his/her injuries, the injured party could then sue the department.
  • Evolving traffic laws. Traffic laws are not stagnant; they change on a fairly regular basis. All drivers, not just seniors, need to stay apprised of the most recent driving laws to improve compliance. Retesting affords an opportunity to ensure that the drivers applying for renewal are aware of any important changes in traffic laws.
  • Health conditions. Law enforcement officers can request that the DMV retest any driver. Similarly, your physician must report any conditions that may affect your driving to the DMV. Friends and family members are also expected to divulge any concerns they have about a senior's fitness to drive. If the DMV receives such a report, the driver in question must retake the driving test in order to retain his/her license. The health conditions that citizens must report to the DMV are listed below.
    • Cataracts
    • Alzheimer's Disease
    • Epilepsy and other seizure disorders
    • Muscle degeneration

Getting Ready for your DMV Retest

Seniors who would like to prepare for an upcoming retest can request materials from their local DMV or driver's license office to brush up on current traffic laws and safety guidelines. If you must submit to a driving test as part of your renewal, calling a certified professional driving school like Pacific Driver Educaton can help to assess your fitness as a driver before the real test. Our recommendations can help you correct potential problem areas before your renewal date arrives.