Teen Driver Safety

Teen driver safety is of paramount importance to Pacific Driver Education. The per-mile accident rate of 16-year-old novice drivers is about ten times greater than that of adults. The great majority of non-fatal accidents resulted from errors in attention, visual search, speed relative to conditions, and hazard recognition. The overwhelming majority of non-fatal accidents are a result from a failure to employ routine safe operation practices. 8% of crashes are due to loss of control, while nearly 20% are a result of not searching ahead or adjusting their speed.

CRASH FACT: Young drivers are subject to a particular paradox when it comes to crash risk, the more they drive the more chances they have of getting in a crash. However, the best way for them to reduce the rise of a crash is by gaining driving experience.

  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among American teenagers, killing between 5,000 and 6,000 teenagers every year.
  • No other kind of hazard comes close to claiming as many teenage lives, including homicides (13 percent) and suicides (11 percent). (2002 figures)

Car crashes caused by teen drivers are the #1 killer of teens in America today. As you read this article, keep in mind the most telling statistic of all: 89 percent of teens said their parents have the biggest influence on how they drive.

Pacific Driver Education has a driver education program that can teach your teen the skills to have a lifetime of driving safety. Teen driver safety is what we do best.